Ghana Votes

Monday, December 3, 2012

Peaceful polls; the role of the media

A few days ago, we pointed  out  that  ensuring  a free , transparent  and  peaceful election is not  the responsibility of only  the Electoral Commission (EC).

We reminded all Ghanaians that even  though  a greater  responsibility  rested  with the EC ,every Ghanaian has the duty to ensure the election passes off, peacefully.

Barely four days  from the momentous  election, it has become critical and necessary to single  out  for caution, the media whose  role  is crucial for the successful conduct  of  the elections.

To forestall any unpleasant event  engulfing  the country , it is important to remind media practitioners, particularly  journalists, of  the ethical exhortation which enjoins them to  ensure  that  their  reportage and  commentaries in the run-up to the  election is fair , accurate and balanced.

The point  we are  trying  to drive home  is that , journalists and  the media  practitioners  by the nature  of  their  profession, could  easily  abuse  their power.

We therefore , add our voice  to the  numerous  appeals by well-meaning Ghanaians, and bodies, including ,  the National Media Commission (NMC), to them, to exercise  great caution in the reportage and commentary on political activities leading to  the election, and not  to compromise  on fact , objectivity and balance.

Going by the reports we have received so far; the society 's greatest fear  at the moment  is the irresponsible and dangerous use of the media's power, since it could plunge the nation into  chaos.

We need to check the radio talk show hosts, presenters, media proprietors and political commentators whose contribution to debates insults, and totally bereft of facts.

As the days draw nearer, we can only  remind  ourselves that, the misuse of the media  has the  tendency to plunge  the nation into chaos, as  happened  in Rwanda and Kenya.

We must all resolve  not to go  down that path. But it would take circumspection on the part of the media , to avert  dragging  us down  that road, by upholding  the ethics of the profession.

The Times also calls on all politicians  to tone down  their rhetoric , and eschew  the attacks, insults , lies  and unsubstantiated facts  that have  characterized our politics, and instead provide  us with  concrete solutions to the numerous socio-economy issues which are begging  for answers.

The Ghanaian Times

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