Ghana Votes

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Is Ghana ready for Third Force ?

Is  Ghana  for Third  Force  or will she  be better  served  with  two dominating political  parties  dictating the pace  of national affairs? Whilst  some political  watchers  argue that Ghana does  not need  many  political parties  and that  the two dominant  parties –The National  Democratic  Congress and the New Patriotic  Party-are enough  to serve  the national  interest, others insist  Ghana needs  a Third  Force  to blunt  the sharp edges  of both  the NDC  and the  NPP.

Indeed the  Reform  Patriotic  Party (RPP),  Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), and the various Nkrumaists parties among  many  other emerging political  parties  have all  tried  to offer  that alternative –a Third  Force – but after  five elections , and going  into  the sixth, it does  appear  that  the Ghanaian electorate  are bent  on deciding  between  the NDC and NPP  for now.

As the country inches towards  Election 2012, many watchers  of the political scene are keen  on its outcome and how  the less  dominant  political  parties will fare  in the elections.

This year  has also  seen the  emergence  of new  political parties  registered by the Electoral Commission   including the  Progressive People's Party, National  Democratic Party  and the United Front Party.

However, it appears it is the PPP that has never hidden its determined to become a force to reckon with in the country's  political  sphere, having managed to field  over 200 parliamentary  candidates  out of the 275 constituencies. Indeed. It is only the NDC and the NPP that  fielded  parliamentary candidates in all 275 constituencies for this year's polls.

Though , the two major  political  parties  have naturally  more  following  what  many  political  watchers are seeking is  whether  the PPP is poised  to cause  an upset  in Ghana's  political history. As the political  movement  gears  itself  to win  the Election 2012.

It will  be recalled  that  the  decision  taken  by the  Nkrumaist  People's Convention Party (PCP), to allow  their flag bearer, Mr. Kow  Nkensen Arkaah  to partner J.A Kufuor in the 1996 election  set the stage  for the emergence of two strong political parties. Many  Nkrumaist  party supporters backed  the NPP and this  spilled over  to the 200 elections, which  saw  the CPP  backing the  NPP  during  the second  round of elections

No doubt  there is a place  for a Third Force  in the country in terms of political organization as the nation keeps  crying  for a Third  Force  within  the body politic.

Unfortunately, the various  Nkrumaist  parties  RPP,DFP, and others   have  not taken  the  advantage yet.  Can Dr. Nduom  declared , ' we  know  there are  people who look upon  us with  skepticism. Some  say we  wasting  our time  and  money… But  we are  confident  that majority of Ghanaians  are  ready  to vote  for the PPP. And  Ghanaians have a big  choice to make in 2012  stagnation or progress.''

No doubt  there are  many  Ghanaians , irrespective  of their  political  ideologies and leaning, who are disenchanted with  the current state of affairs in the country and want  genuine change , but  the question to ask  is whether  the PPP offers  the  nation  that choice  and given  the mandate  to rule, can stand  the test of time.

Dr. Nduom continues  to recount the biblical story of how David used  a smarter  wiser way to defeat  Goliath, and argues that the two " political  Goliaths" on Ghana's political  landscape- the NDC and  the NPP-would be deposed by  PPP David."

The PPP, from  the very beginning must recognize that  it faces a bid challenge as the  smaller parties in Ghana have so far failed to win significant  votes. Many  have  also opined that the PPP is spreading thin  throughout  the country and needs  to do more  of targeting campaigns so as  to win  some seats in parliament.

To be relevant, the PPP must  continue to build  political structures and position itself  as  the best alternative to the NDC and NPP making  itself  national and bringing a variety of people on board to gain credibility and access to resources. While  some key  members of the PPP  are from  the Convention People's Party  (CPP), many  more  are from other parties  ideologies or leaning or are completely new  to politics and therefore offer a fresh perspective on party politics. All  these individuals have  no doubts, brought  on board self-help and professional organizational skills. They have  helped to organize skills.  They have  helped  to organized the PPP in record  time (under one year) to meet  the requirements  of the Political  Parties  Law  that regulates  the setting  up of political parties.

While  the law says that political parties  must have  offices  set up in at least two-thirds of the constituencies, PPP  thirds of the constituencies, PPP officials   confirmed that  they  had offices  opened in all  the original  230 constituencies .

Indeed a recent  visit  from  Accra in the Greater  Accra Region to Ho in the Volta Region, Takoradi  in the Western Region , Kumasi in the Ashanti Region and Tamale  in the Northern Region  showed that  the PPP had functional offices  in constituencies, regions  and at  the national level.  I am  aware many parties  on the Electoral Commission record  cannot  meet  this requirement  today.  I am equally  aware  that the PPP has also  presented its financial report  to the EC  as required by  the law. Not many parties have done  this either.

The PPP is, therefore  working  quite  hard  to be national in character, organization and membership.

Many parties  cannot  boast of these  attributes either. However, becoming  the third  Force in the governance structure  of the country will not  come easily. It has to do with hard work  and the  kind of message  the PPP puts  across. There is a place for a Third Force in our political landscape, but no party can achieve this task if it ties its cloth with one  of the big political  parties. If  PPP can work  hard  and get out  of that mode, then they  have a opportunity is out  there  for any  serious political party  to take it.

In my view , it ids the Third Force  that can  serve  as a kingmaker  of Ghana politics   so that  the duo  politics of NPP and NDC could  be toned  down. Can the PPP be the  fulcrum  to bring  about  this force? It is a tall order when you have  two political traditions that have  ruled this  country for more  than 20 years  and 10 years respectively . It is a long journey , but depending  on what  they bring  to bear  on their  campaign, they can do it.

After all, in a sustainable  democracy, everything  is possible and the  standard parties  can a collapse for new  forces  to emerge . When parties  go in  and out  of office  and people's  expectations are not    met,  they look for alternative.

Mr. William Dowokpor ,the PPP parliamentary  candidate for Ayawaso Wuogon , declares on his Facebook page  that – When everyone  who believes in PPP votes  for PPP, PPP WILL WIN Give PPP a Chance!''

Another  leading  member  of  the PPP tells me,  "The party has bankers, lawyers, education, administrations, health professionals, engineers, public relations experts among others, as parliamentary candidates and the PPP has proven  that it  has  the men  and women with whom to administer the affairs of the country."

He argues," the PPP's presidential candidate and his running mate, Dr. Papa Kwesi Ndoum and Madam Eva  Lokko, are arguely  one of the best qualified  teams in the 2012 elections. They have domestic  and international experience  and credibility. They are promoters of inclusiveness in Ghanaian society and are job creators."

Personally in the 2012 election campaign the PPP has, no doubt , distinguish itself as a disciplined, peaceful party  that has  dedicated itself  to  incorruptible, competent leadership , quality  education for all Ghanaian children , fight  against  preventable disease and providing jobs for Ghanaians.

However in all of these positive attributes, the question. I am asking is : Will  it translate  into votes? According  to EC records  over a million  people  are eligible  to vote  for the first  time since  the 2008 elections.

How the PPP  has worked  and sacrificed to win as  many of  them  to their  fold  will be known come  the December polls.

"Yes we can ,"Dr. Nduom emphatically told  me and added,  "In Benin candidate  Yayi Boni came  from nowhere to defeat  the so-called major  parties  to become  President."

Dr. Nduom further  mentioned candidate Michael Sata who polled  three per cent of the  presidential vote  with his  party winning  only one  seat in Parliament   as an inspiration because today, he has  become the president  of Zambia. He did  what some  considered the  impossible.  "we are asking  Ghanaians to exercise  their faith  in the PPP and give  what he called  "David PPP'' a chance he employed.

It is true; no political party has the advantage  of a single vote yet in Election 2012, but  can the PPP  really come from nowhere to defeat  the might  of  the two major  political  parties  in Ghana? Can the PPP do the impossible in Ghana's political history? The strong  hearted  will answer it is impossible  will Ghanaians support the PPP to build the alternative  that will transform the economy? The electorate are the best to answer  come December 7, 2012.

Daily Graphic



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